This page is dedicated to the incredible students of our studio who chose to share their art in the most vulnerable of ways. Below is a selection of student-submitted works. We hope you find beauty and emotion in their words and art.
Life is Better When Centered a poem by Gunnel
Life is better when centered, said Marylin.
I thought about it.
What did she mean?
I take a big breath, in through my nose and then a long exhale as I tried to stay focused.
I sit tall and steady on my chair, I lean forward, my nose over the clay, -the wheel is spinning.
Next breath I start feeling more focused, I purse my lips as I exhale. My mind keeps saying, -I need to be more centered.
My legs are wide open, my elbows rest sturdy on my thighs, my hands bounce on the clay.
I take another breath, I start feeling cool, calm and collected. My hands are steady and strong. I hear Marylin‘s voice
“ -stay in Center and notice each moment with calm serenity”
Next breath my hands stay in the center of the wheel, holding and pushing the clay, suddenly the clay feels soft. Yes, the clay is soft, and centered! Yes…I am in charge!
Now I know what Marylin meant.
“Life is better when centered.”
Introducing... Barbara Levine